Showing 37–72 of 332 results

Ac. Anti Treponema pallidum

From: $977

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA, IgG

From: $1602

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti-SSB (La)

From: $928

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti-SSA (Ro)

From: $1193

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Rubella IgG and IgM

From: $1040

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM

From: $965

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG, IgM

From: $1221

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Mycmicoplasma pneumoniae IgG

From: $965

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. anti smooth muscle

From: $1077

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti cardiac muscle

From: $1580

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Mitochondria (AMA)

From: $1025

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Myelin

From: $1446

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti insulin

From: $1219

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti phospholipids IgM

From: $734

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti phospholipids IgG

From: $693

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti phospholipids IgG

From: $693

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Intrinsic Factor

From: $1569

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Epstein-barr Ag early IgG

From: $1020

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Epstein-barr Ag nuclear IgG

From: $1020

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Cysticercus in serum

From: $748

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Cysticercus in L.C.R.

From: $1404

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Chlamydia trachomatis IgM

From: $1022

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Chlamydia trachomatis IgG

From: $1022

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Chlamydia trachomatis IgA

From: $1022

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Cardiolipin IgM

From: $831

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Cardiolipin IgG, IgM

From: $1548

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Cardiolipin IgG

From: $831

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Cardiolipin IgA

From: $1188

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti Brucella (2 mercapto-ethanol)

From: $1382

10% discount at checkout!

Ac. Anti-Adenovirus

From: $2075

10% discount at checkout!

Fecal occult blood

From: $174

10% discount at checkout!

pH and Reducing Sugars

From: $198

10% discount at checkout!

Mycoplasma dialysis fluid culture

From: $1584

10% discount at checkout!