Tests for COVID-19 detection
Same day results guarantee.
Recommended for those who think have COVID-19, with or without symptoms.
Diagnostic test.
Test requested for travel purposes.
Antigen Test
15 minutes results guarantee.
Recommended for those who think have COVID-19 with active symptoms..
Rapid Test.
Test requested for travel purposes.
Biomedical Center offers you the following COVID-19 tests:
- PCR Test
- Antigen Test
These tests allow identifying positive cases in a timely manner.
If you are planning to travel, these tests are mandatory, a negative result must be presented at the
airport and no longer than 3 days prior to your trip.
If you have already been vaccinated you must also present a negative result proof.
If you are a US citizen or resident, it is also necessary to present a negative result proof.
*Free home service inside Puerto Vallarta limits
Learn more about the
differences between COVID-19 tests
PCR Test
Same day results guarantee.
- Determines if there is an active COVID-19 infection.
- -Sample type: Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal swab.
- Sensibility test of 99%-100%
- Considered a Diagnostic test
- Done by RT-PCR technique.
- Detects the genetic material of the virus.
- Can be performed in patients with symptoms or suspects of having Covid-19
* Same day results guarantee if the test is taken before 4:00 pm.
You may book your appointment online or by call.
Antigen Test
15 minutes results guarantee.
- Determines if there is an infection in case of suspicious active symptoms.
- Nasopharyngeal swab
- Detects virus proteins
* In case of presenting symptoms and the result is NEGATIVE, it is recommended to carry out a RTPCR TEST.
You may book your appointment online or by call.